Bridging the Gap for Success...
Our approach to your transition experience involves exposure and behavioral practice. Throughout the year, students are systematically exposed to modified high school and college-leveled texts, lectures, syllabi, norms, and requirements. This step-by-step process driven by direct instruction methods and scaffolded support, allows students to become comfortable with the depth and breadth of material that they might encounter in college, work, and life. Students practice what they have learned in order to solidify gains, to build independence, and to cultivate an identity as a post high school learner. We offer Dual Enrollment with Landmark College, which includes WDS support and feedback.
Instructionally, it is important to note that not all Next Step students have college level academic skills. Since our instructional model relies heavily on individualizing curriculum, modifications, and accommodations, we are able to meet the students at their independent level and work to improve their skills in a meaningful way. It is our belief that all students deserve a modified college experience and have access to big ideas, have the ability to develop a worldview, and explore topics in a more adult way than they have experienced in high school special education classrooms.
Instructionally, it is important to note that not all Next Step students have college level academic skills. Since our instructional model relies heavily on individualizing curriculum, modifications, and accommodations, we are able to meet the students at their independent level and work to improve their skills in a meaningful way. It is our belief that all students deserve a modified college experience and have access to big ideas, have the ability to develop a worldview, and explore topics in a more adult way than they have experienced in high school special education classrooms.